how we select our candidates

we work with our candidates to match them with the perfect role. we fully believe that every next step should be an adventure for our candidate and an exciting prospect for our client.

how we select our candidates

we work with our candidates to match them with the perfect role. we fully believe that every next step should be an adventure for our candidate and an exciting prospect for our client. working with chace people is to be certain of an exceptional service and an opportunity to match you with the right people. this means that we only work with the best candidates that the market has to offer. 


we hold ourselves accountable for making the right match. we work in partnership with our clients to ensure that we have a thorough brief that depicts not only the qualifications but also the qualities of the right candidate.


we rigorously select our candidates on three core competencies; personality, skills and work ethic. our candidates are entering our clients homes and organisations and as a result we ensure that they will be the perfect match. our worldwide database of professionals, coupled with our team’s extensive talent network means that we are delivering the right fit for the right job every time. 

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whether looking for staff or searching for a new role, the chace people team is here to help. reach out today and let us know what we can do for you.

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